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Company history

Ever since 1989, Justice has built up an impressive track record in collecting financial claims based on the No cure No pay concept. For more than 25 years, our client base has diversified over the years. Companies, associations, institutions and governmental organizations, as well as consumers, have been able to find a reliable and transparent partner in Justice. You may found our office in De Van Nelle Fabriek, an unique and special industrial monument in Rotterdam.

In the pre-internet era we delivered mainly in the region where we were founded, Rotterdam. Throughout the years we have grown to be an international partner, servicing clients all over the world. Using our international network, we are able to collect claims wherever they might be. This has made Justice into an experienced one-stop-shop for all your debt collection challenges.

After more than two decades we still represent a powerful and transparent method of servicing our clients. We take fast action and act with respect for your relation while daring to take further action whenever it is necessary. This formula has been successful for both Justice as our clients. We are looking forward to adding new history to this page, together with yourself.

All-in-One Credit Management
All our clients share a common goal: Getting their invoices paid (sooner). Justice offers experience, qualified professionals, a customer-focused approach and measurable improvement of processes based on advanced credit management software. This concept is what we call All-in-One Credit Management.

We would like to put our vast experience to work by pursuing both your domestic as international debts. This will take place within a clear vision: Offering excellent services in debt collection, to become and stay your preferred partner in debt collection procedures.

Register for free to send us your first case, send us your question or contact us. Or simply give us a call at +31(0)10-4148755.

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