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Who pays what?

Extrajudicial debt collection procedure
Our extrajudicial debt collection activities are all delivered on a No cure No pay basis. We won't charge any fees if we can't collect.

The extrajudicial fees will be principally for account of your client, as determined in Dutch law and possibly your terms and conditions. If no exact cost structure is available, we will work by the 'Rapport Voorwerk II' definition. This is a nationwide Dutch standard to determine debt collection fees.

We will always deliver all possible efforts to let your nonpaying client pay for these costs. If we can not collect the debt collection fees on your debtor, but we have been successful in the payment of the principal amount, we will charge you for these costs. All our work is subject to our pricing overview 'Debt collection - Approach & Pricing 2011' as well as our Terms and Conditions. These are always presented to you before we start working on your first case.

All the amounts collected by us will be, after deducting our fee, directly transferred to you. You never pay subscription costs, office fees or file fees with us.

Judicial debt collection procedure
In contrary to the extrajudicial debt collection procedure, the No cure No pay concept does NOT apply is the case is taken to court. We will deliver all work in the judicial procedure on your request and expense.

Of course we'll always ask for your approval before engaging in such a procedure. As your expert in debt collection, you can expect us to deliver a good advice and a cost-benefit analysis. In some cases we are even prepared to pay for the judicial costs ourselves, providing you with a guarantee in advance.

Please register on our homepage. Do you have any questions? You are always welcome to contact us or send us your question. We are happy to deliver you a solid advice.

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