Debt collection Netherlands

What exactly is an extrajudicial collection procedure?

By this we mean any work to collect a claim without going through the courts. We prefer not to go to court, because an out-of-court procedure is almost always faster and more efficient.

Activities debt collection in the Netherlands

Debt collection Credit report

Credit report

Debt collection Social media research

Social media research

Debt Collection Reminders by post or e-mail

Written reminders by post/email

Debt collection Disputed claim

Solutions for disputed claims

debt collection Bailiff visit to home or company

Customer visit

Debt collection phone contact

Contact by phone

Debt collection Payment arrangement

Payment Arrangements

Fast results and high success rates

There is always a question of a claimant, a debtor/debtor and an amount to be recovered. Furthermore, every situation is different.

As a debt collection agency, we provide tailor-made solutions for every debt collection assignment. Our approach is characterized by speed of action, very short and direct lines of communication. More than 25 years of expertise that literally pays off. We claim the principal, interest and collection costs. If your debtor does not pay, you pay us nothing at all, so no basic costs either. If your debtor pays the principal, interest and collection costs, you will receive the principal and interest. We handle most cases out of court.

Stap 3 Buitengerechtelijke incasso ENG

For any Business-2-Business claim within 14 days security of payment or other steps

Within 14 days (Wit)

Within 14 days

Reminders (Wit)


Debt collection Phone contact (Wit)

Contact by phone

Claim has been paid / payment agreements / advice

Claim has been paid - or payment agreements - or advice continued

Your debtor is not cooperating

If we are dealing with a debtor who does not cooperate with a rapid settlement, there are a number of other options. Incidentally, in subsequent steps we provide professional written advice with regard to the expected results in combination with the costs. We give some practical examples:

Preservation attachment - Your claim has high priority and will not be disputed

We use a short and strict procedure to be successful as quickly as possible. In order to secure recovery options, we can quickly have a prejudgment attachment. This provides security of payment after a court decision.

Bankruptcy Application - This can be an effective means of forcing debtors to pay.

Legal proceedings. Many parties, including the legal profession, work on the basis of the time spent on a case. The time spent is charged per unit of time of six minutes at an hourly rate, on average between € 195.00 and € 225.00, excluding 8% office costs. This means that every action (read: telephone contacts, processing e-mails, studying documents, consultation, etc.) with clients and any third parties, is registered and charged to you. This leads to unpredictable costs. We give you security. Our rate is determined by the process actions to be performed by us. We do not charge for other matters as mentioned above. We also have a price guarantee. Our fee is partly based on a No Cure No Pay basis. If you do not want to run any financial risk at all, we offer the option of litigation financing.

What to do with low amounts?
Chasing after small claims can be a dilemma. Do the costs outweigh the benefits? We offer a very focused approach for this, in which our business processes are supported by innovative credit management software. More and more organizations are opting for our approach.

What if your claim is disputed?
A disputed claim is a dispute in which your customer has indicated that you will not proceed with payment because you have (partially) failed to fulfill your obligations under the agreement. The handling of such claims falls within the No Cure No Pay pricing model. This distinguishes us from other parties, such as debt collection lawyers.

Debt collection lawyers are not allowed to handle disputed claims under the No Cure No Pay basis. These parties prevent collection cases from being handled on the basis of No Cure No Pay. This appears to only apply to undisputed claims. What happens when you read the 'small print'? As soon as a debtor puts forward a defense, it is a disputed claim. As a result, you will be charged for all time spent on your business per six-minute unit of time based on a high hourly rate.

  • More than 25 years of debt collection expertise
  • One-stop-shopping: collection specialists, lawyers, lawyers and bailiffs
  • Highest pass rates in the Netherlands
  • Specialization self-employed, large companies, SME, international and private receivables
  • No Cure No Pay also applies to disputed claims
  • 100% payment of the principal + the interest

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Start your collection procedure

Transfer your file online in 5 minutes.

Transfer file

Our vision without obligation

We reserve an average of 15 minutes for a free telephone consultation.

Personal advice

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