
This website is meant to inform the user. Although we take cause in delivering accurate and correct information through this website, unintentional technical, factual inaccuracies or typo’s may appear on this website or in e-mails, faxes or letters we send. We kindly request you to inform us by e-mail if you would find such an inconsistency: info@justice.nl

Based on this information one should never take any action without the prior expert advice of Justice. Justice therefore does not accept any liability for the consequences ones actions might have based on the information on this website.

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We reserve all rights to, at any time and without prior notice, change or correct the content of our website. The content of this website is therefore presented to you as-is and without guarantees. Justice does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information, text, graphic displays, links or other components on this website and explicitly rejects any liability for errors or omissions on this website. Justice explicitly rejects every liability with respect to the usage or interpretation by other of information on the Justice website.


Decisions based on the information on the Justice website fall under the sole responsibility of the user. Upon using this website, the visitor agrees to safeguard Justice against any claims resulting from decisions taken based on the information on this website.

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In order to offer and deliver products and services through this website, Justice used personal information. The privacy statement link offers information on the way we collect and manage your personal information and how we protect your privacy.

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